25 Healthy Muffin Tin Meals

I’ve never devoted a lot of time making my kids’ food “cute.”

Once in a blue moon I’ll pull out the cookie cutters for sandwiches. A few times I helped Rosie with twice baked potatoes that looked like mice. And I will occasionally fashion a heart on a cake using powdered sugar. But today cute meets practical and when that happens, I’m all about it.

Here are 25 ideas for little meals made in muffin tins.

(Okay, three of them are dessert, but who’s counting?). The practical part is that the finished recipes are:

  1. Highly portable. Translation? Most of them work in a lunch box or can be dinner-to-go on days when sports practice or music lessons run late. A number of the recipes are breakfast-friendly, so you and your kids can grab something nourishing on your way out the door in the morning.
  2. Freezer-friendly. Most can be made in a double batch and popped into a freezer bag. That makes it easy on days when you are pressed for time.
  3. Healthy. I crowd sourced these recipes by registered dietitians, which means good nutrition is part of the equation. 
  4. Cute! These mini meals might just inspire enthusiasm among kids who aren’t always keen to open that lunch box or come to the dinner table.

So pull out those muffin tins; you’ve got some cooking to do.

Try these 25 recipes for meals made in muffin tins, all from registered dietitians (so they're healthy *and* portable!). Share on X


Southwestern Meatloaf MuffinsSouthwestern Meatloaf Muffins (gluten-free)
by Abbey’s Kitchen

Mexican Taco cups

Mexican Taco Cups
by Chocolate Slopes

Mini Mac and Cheese Bites
from Mom’s Kitchen Handbook


Baked Asian Chicken Rice Balls with Cheddar 
by MJ and Hungry Man


Grilled Corn, Tomato, and Avocado in Bread Cups 
by Food, Pleasure, and Health

Asian-Turkey-WontonsAsian Turkey Won Tons with Mango Salsa 
by MJ and Hungry Man

Mediterranean-Feta-Quinoa-Egg-MuffinsMediterranean Feta and Quinoa Egg Cups 
by The Spicy RD

Baked Pasta CupsBaked Pasta Cups
by Food, Pleasure, and Health

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Zucchini Au Gratin Cups 
by Nutrition Starring You

Buffalo Cheddar Quinoa Bites

by Hungry Hobby 


Ricotta Berry oatmeal CupsRicotta Berry Oatmeal Cups 
By Nutritioulicious

Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 7.13.52 PMMini Spinach & Sweet Potato Frittatas 
by The Average RD

Pretty Prosciutto and Spinach Egg Cups

Prosciutto and Spinach Egg Cups
by Mom’s Kitchen Handbook

4 Ingredient mini frittatas

Four-Ingredient Mini Frittatas 
by Homemade Nutrition

quinoa spinach

Green Eggs and Quinoa Muffins 
by Nutrition a la Natalie

Chai French Toast Muffins

Chai French Toast Muffins 
by Nutritionist Reviews


Salmon and Goat Cheese Mini Frittatas 
by Marisa Moore

Mini crustless quiche

Mini Crustless Quiche 
by Jenna Braddock

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Veggie Quiche Patties 
by Meal Makeover Moms

Baked French Toast Cups

Baked French Toast Cups
by Mom to Mom Nutrition

Scrambled egg muffins

Scrambled Egg Muffins 
by Real Mom Nutrition

Caprese Egg Cup Sandwich

Caprese Egg Cup Sandwich
by Bite of Health Nutrition

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No-Bake Matcha Cheesecake Bites 
by Kara Lydon

Berries as cute as a cupcake www.momskitchenhandbook.com

Berries as Cute as a Cupcake
by Mom’s Kitchen Handbook

Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Bites
Chocolate Strawberry No-Bake Cheesecake Bites

by Delish Knowledge

25 Healthy Muffin Tin Meals (2)


03.24.2016 at10:04 AM #

EA Stewart

Fun post and so many great ideas~I can’t wait to get muffin-ing! Thanks so much for sharing my Mediterranean Feta and Quinoa Egg Muffins & I’m totally not a *cute* lunch maker either 🙂

03.24.2016 at10:04 AM #

Katie Morford

I think you’re a cute lunch maker 🙂

03.24.2016 at10:47 AM #

Jessica @ Nutritioulicious

Love this! I’m not really the best at making my food cute either, but my kids do get really excited when it does happen and they always love anything with the word “muffin” in it – sweet or savory! So many awesome recipes here to add to my list to make for freezer storage. Thanks for including my ricotta berry oatmeal cups!

03.24.2016 at10:47 AM #

Katie Morford

Look forward to trying your oatmeal ups, Jessica. Thanks for sharing them!

03.24.2016 at12:36 PM #

Kelli @ Hungry Hobby

So many things to try, don’t know what I would do without my meal prepping master muffin tin! Thanks for including my buffalo quinoa bites!

03.24.2016 at12:36 PM #

Katie Morford

Those sound so good Kelli!

03.25.2016 at9:51 AM #

Sally @ Real Mom Nutrition

Love this roundup! All of these are the perfect size for kids (and lunch boxes) too.

03.25.2016 at3:36 PM #

Christin Hebron

These are such great ideas for kids. I am planning on making one of these recipes for my little one!

03.25.2016 at6:39 PM #


I thought you would want to know you are using “by” incorrectly in this post it should be replaced with “from”.

03.25.2016 at6:39 PM #

Katie Morford

Thanks Diane. Fixed!

03.25.2016 at6:53 PM #

Jodi @ The Average RD

These all look amazing! My kids love all things that come from a muffin tin:). Thanks so much for including my Mini Spinach & Sweet Potato Frittata!

03.25.2016 at10:11 PM #

Laurie-Ann Barbour

What a great post. So many yummy ideas – can’t wait to try some of them. Thanks for he inspiration.

03.28.2016 at10:57 AM #

Meal Makeover Mom Janice

I love anything in a muffin tin! Thanks for including our veggie quiche patties. 🙂 I want to make all these other recipes!

03.29.2018 at2:14 PM #


awesome site

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