Barely Buttery Baked Eggs

A household like ours, with four females under one roof, can tip the scales in the drama department. Never more so than in the before-school bustle when there are important details to fuss over, beyond lunch boxes and homework: whether certain shoes go with certain outfits, if ponytails are straight, if patterns clash, and now that we have a teenager amongst us, whether lip gloss is too shiny, or not shiny enough.
My husband, the lone male in the house, is usually off to work long before we’re up, leaving me in charge of the chaos. Mornings can get a little, well, hairy (and I’m not referring to the aforementioned ponytails), such as last Thursday when by the time they were out the door I felt I’d already worked a full day, and wondered if it was cocktail hour yet. But it was only eight, so I turned my attention to breakfast instead.
Buttery Baked Eggs
I pulled out the lone pair of eggs remaining in the fridge, along with butter, crusty bread, and the half grapefruit left untouched by the girls, and set to work on making myself a proper breakfast. This was a first for me on a school day morning.
I buttered a couple of ramekins, cracked in the eggs and baked them in the oven until the whites were set and yolks still runny. It’s a simple, elegant egg dish which the French call oeufs en cocotte and the English refer to as shirred eggs. I call them baked eggs, since the other two names make them sound more complicated than they are.
Baking Makes Delicate Eggs
Baking is a genius technique for eggs because you can see what’s happening, as opposed to soft boiled where I’m always wondering what’s going on inside that shell, or poached, which often seem to unfurl in the simmering water. Although baked eggs require the forethought to preheat an oven, they are just as easy as scrambled or fried because once baking, your work is done.
A Restorative Breakfast
Before you go making these for your kids, or your husband, or your friends, make them just for yourself. Sitting down to buttery baked eggs and a cup of tea in a supremely quiet house felt indulgent and restorative in the way of a hot bath or foot massage. By the time I’d sopped up the last of the yolks with the crust of my bread, I had recovered from the drama of the morning and was ready to face the day.
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- 1 tablespoon butter , divided
- 8 eggs
- Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut the butter into 16 tiny cubes. Use your fingers to smear 1 cube of butter on the inside of each of 8 ramekins. Set aside the remaining butter.
Put the ramekins in a baking pan and fill the pan with enough water to reach halfway up the sides. Crack an egg into each ramekin and season with a sprinkle of salt and a few turns of the pepper grinder.
Put the eggs into the center of the oven and bake until the whites are just set and the yolks still soft, about 16 minutes (give or take a minute). Be aware that the eggs will continue to cook a bit even after they're out of the oven.
Very carefully remove the baking pan and lift out the ramekins using a pair of tongs or dish towel.
Top each egg with one of the remaining 8 little cubes of butter. Serve immediately.
Photo credit: Shutterstock/Larik Malasha
06.04.2011 at3:35 PM #
Love this for a brunch idea for a larger crowd. I am wondering, would this work with a little olive oil in place of the butter?
06.04.2011 at3:35 PM #
Yes. I’ve made these with olive oil and also with delicious results.
06.20.2011 at2:45 PM #
I called these shirred eggs, and they are fantastic for a larger group because you can make them in muffin tins too (instead of ramekins). Marion Cunningham’s “The Breakfast Book” is one of my favorite cookbooks and she has a lot of variations.
06.20.2011 at2:45 PM #
Katie Morford
I like the muffin tin idea….not everyone has ramekins so that is a great alternative. Thanks.
02.07.2016 at8:16 PM #
Kati @ Around the Plate
I like the simplicity of this recipe – perfect for busy families in the morning!
02.07.2016 at8:16 PM #
Katie Morford
Thanks Kati. It’s a good one and so easy!
01.01.2020 at10:53 AM #
I feel like there must be something missing. Was the water supposed to be boiling before you put it in the baking dish, because 16 minutes at 350 with tapwater halfway up the sides has my eggs still completely raw, not even slightly cooked around the edges.