How to Shop for Sustainable Seafood

Fish can be a superb source of vitamins, minerals, protein, and omega-3s (good fats associated with everything from brain development to reduced heart disease risk), but sometimes it seems like you need a degree in marine biology to make heads or tails of what’s safe and sustainable in the fish market.
Well, now there’s a handy Smart Phone App called Seafood Watch from the folks at the Monterey Bay Aquarium that will tell you everything you need to know. Next time you find yourself wondering what’s the story with farmed salmon or if Hawaiian swordfish is sustainable, you can log on and find out. With a few swift strokes on your touch screen you can get the low down on practically every species from sea to shining sea. The App rates seafood from “Best Choice” to “Good Alternative” to “Avoid”, and alerts you of any health concerns with regard to mercury levels and PCBs (nasty little chemicals that should be nowhere near your dinner plate). It even has a “Sushi Guide” and tells you which restaurants and markets sell sustainable fish. And if you don’t care to whip out your i-phone, you can access all the info on your computer by clicking here.
Got a food or nutrition App you love? Do tell.
01.04.2011 at8:40 PM #
We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium over the holidays and learned all about how we are destroying the earth but on the positive note I found out about this App which has already come in handy. I like that my girls love to browse what is “good” to eat and they seem to be showing more interest in eating fish during this process.
01.04.2011 at8:40 PM #
Thanks Humaira. My kids like to browse Seafood Watch as well. Not sure if it’s real interest, or they just like an excuse to use my iphone.
01.13.2011 at5:56 PM #
Sophie Fleming
Yes! I know 2 great apps. First is: It is called “Don’t Eat That” and you can check what an ingredient is on the fly and find out if it is carcinogenic, banned in other countries, bad for kids, pregnant women, genetically modified or causes drug interactions and/or allergies.
Second: Shop no GMO: (copy and paste) ShopNoGMO is a shopping guide that helps you avoid GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) in the foods you buy at your grocery store. And if you don’t know about GMO’s and that we Americans are all eating them unless you know and shop better, please find out! It is actually quite hazardous, untested, toxic and unnecessary with side effects such as: organ toxicity, increased allergies, infertility etc… the FDA approved it without testing it! For more info: Your body thanks you and your kids too!
03.01.2013 at11:20 AM #
Andy Glenn
All these warnings are enough to turn me into a vegan if i read em all… I mean it does suck but I still love seafood but to see all this is a bit of a downer 🙁
03.01.2013 at11:20 AM #
Katie Morford
I agree that it can be disheartening. However, you’ll find plenty of good options on seafood watch. Veganism unnecssary!!