Mom's Kitchen Handbook

Creamy Blue Cheese and Persimmon Crostini

By the time New Year’s Eve rolls around, I’m plum out of steam in the kitchen. Guessing that maybe you are too, I thought I’d share this festive hors d’oeuvres — Creamy Blue Cheese and Persimmon Crostini — a recipe that requires just three ingredients and can be assembled in a snap.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1. A good, crusty baguette

2. A wedge of creamy blue cheese such as Cambozola, Blue Costello, or Point Reyes Blue. These are less assertive blues that may even appeal to those who are “blue-cheese averse” (I include myself in that category).

3. Ripe fuyu persimmons. Fuyu is the apple-shaped variety which is tasty raw (as opposed to the heart-shaped hachiya, typically used in cooked preparations). Look for fuyus that are more orange than yellow in color, indicating ripeness. You want them a little bit tender, but not so ripe that they are mushy once peeled.

For other effortless New Year’s Eve hors d’oeuvre ideas, check out Three Easy Appetizers.


Feel free to scale the volume of ingredients up or down depending on how many you are serving. Precision is not important with this recipe.
Servings 30 crostini


  • 2 to 3 ripe fuyu persimmons
  • 1 French baguette
  • 1 eight-ounce wedge favorite , soft blue cheese, at room temperature


  1. Cut the stem off of the persimmon and peel. Cut the fruit into thin, half moon slices.
  2. Cut the baguette into 1/3-inch thick slices. A 12-inch baguette will yield about 30 pieces (counting on the fact that kids will come into the kitchen to swipe the end pieces).
  3. Smear blue cheese over the top of the each baguette slice, as lightly or as generously as you like.
  4. Top each crostini with a wedge of persimmon.
  5. Serve


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