Everyday Dijon Vinaigrette

Being called upon to cook for family gatherings is a source of anxiety for my stepsister Meagan. Our family is populated by a disproportionate number of food professionals: my brother (Michelin star restaurant chef), sister-in-law (pastry chef), sister (former line cook), myself, and my dad who, although he has never been in the food business, assesses every dish as if he were the New York Times restaurant critic. Meagan isn’t enormously confident in the kitchen, so cooking for this lot rattles her nerves. “It’s an  “effing foodie nightmare,” she exclaimed after hosting Christmas dinner one year.

Recently, she overdressed an arugula salad at a summer barbecue, something that borders on mortal sin amongst certain members of our crowd. A few days later she asked if I’d help sharpen her skills on the salad front so as to avoid future culinary blunders. She wanted guidance on how to dress it just right and how to make the perfect vinaigrette, warning that if it can’t be knocked out in under two minutes, she’s reaching for the bottled ranch.

Just Four Ingredients

This Easy Everyday Vinaigrette requires just four ingredients: vinegar, Dijon mustard, olive oil, and salt. The mustard isn’t truly essential, but it gives the dressing flavor and body that I happen to like on most salads. The only piece of equipment needed is an ordinary jar with a tight-fitting lid. An empty jam jar will do. Put the ingredients into the jar, screw on the top, and give it a vigorous shake. Done. There is no bowl or whisk to clean, and the jar doubles as a storage container so any leftovers can go straight into the fridge.

Tips for a Vinaigrette You’ll Love

• Use a ratio of vinegar to oil that suits your tastebuds. The classic is four parts oil to one part vinegar, but I prefer dressing a little tangy and go for a three to one ratio. The type and acidity of vinegar also affects the ratio.

• Taste the dressing before it goes on the salad by dipping a lettuce leaf into the vinaigrette and shaking off any excess. Consider the following: is it too tangy/oily/salty/not salty enough/toomustardy? Make adjustments accordingly.

• Dry the greens thoroughly. If they are still moist, the dressing won’t adhere and the salad will be soggy.

• To avoid overdressing, start by drizzling on less than you think you need. Toss it well. If it needs more, you can always add it. But once overdressed, there’s no going back.

• Once it’s dressed, serve the salad immediately.

Variations on This Dressing

Feel free to tinker with this basic dressing, such as the suggestions below.

  1. Use other varieties of vinegar, such as white wine, champagne, balsamic, sherry, Banyuls, or a combination of vinegars.
  2. Season the salad with freshly cracked black pepper after it’s dressed
  3. Add one to two teaspoon of honey for a touch of sweetness, particularly good when making a salad that includes pears or other fruit
  4. Experiment with using other oils for some or all of the olive oil, such as walnut oil, toasted sesame oil, or avocado oil
  5. Use a splash of soy sauce instead of the salt
  6. Add a few teaspoons of minced shallot or a clove of minced garlic
  7. Whisk in fresh, chopped herbs, such as basil, chervil, or chives

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Everyday Dijon Vinaigrette

Double or triple the recipe and store any extra in the refrigerator. Then you don't have to start from scratch every time you make a salad.


  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1-2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • teaspoon kosher salt
  • cup extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Put the vinegar, mustard, honey, and salt into a small jar. Screw on the lid and shake vigorously. Add the oil to the jar, return the lid and shake again until the ingredients form a smooth emulsion. Dip a lettuce leaf to be sure the taste is to your liking. Adjust any ingredients if needed. If not, drizzle a moderate amount of dressing over the salad. Toss well. Taste. Add a little more dressing if needed and toss again.

  2. Serve immediately.


07.18.2011 at3:15 PM #

Pat Pat

Hallelujah – some guidance on proportions for salad dressing – I am afraid that I – like Meagan – have been guilty of overdressing too! Thank you Katie!!

07.18.2011 at6:35 PM #


I think it’s worth mentioning that the SALT makes a difference. Regular Morton’s is the kiss o’death for vinaigrettes. Use sea salt, kosher salt, etc.

07.18.2011 at6:35 PM #

Katie Morford

Good point. Sometimes when I add ingredients such as tomatoes or avocado to a salad I will season those first with fleur de sel before tossing them in the salad. Thanks for the reminder.

07.19.2011 at1:19 PM #


As the aforementioned Meagan in today’s salad post I can only say I can’t wait to try everything you’ve laid out, Katie. I am afraid no more! From now on, I will volunteer to bring the salad AND dressing to every family gathering…and good to know about the SALT.

07.19.2011 at1:19 PM #

Katie Morford

Looking forward to it, Meagan.

07.19.2011 at5:04 PM #

Cynthia Jones

Another good sweetener you can add that seems to go over well is a little bit of maple syrup. Sounds strange, I know, but is actually lovely and people will say, “hey, why is your dressing so good!”. Can’t even imagine daring to cook for your family Katie!

07.19.2011 at5:04 PM #

Katie Morford

Oooh….good tip, Cynthia. Thanks.

07.20.2011 at11:06 AM #

kim connector

Throw in the juice of half a lemon for a lighter taste or add in some sour cream, yogurt or mayo for a creamy dressing. You are so right about drying the greens to avoid the dropping salad, nothing worse than soggy greens! Love your posts, keep it up.

05.28.2015 at8:41 AM #

Anne|Craving Something Healthy

Yikes! I couldn’t imagine cooking for your family! Love this simple dressing, and I totally agree about the mustard. Pinned 🙂

05.28.2015 at8:41 AM #

Katie Morford

Thanks Anne. Yes, tough crowd!

05.28.2015 at12:48 PM #

Katie @ Mom to Mom Nutrition

I love your tip to dip a lettuce leaf into the dressing as a taste test. I’m also a fan of the 3:1 ratio! Poor Megan LOL!

03.31.2019 at3:05 PM #


The vinaigrette is okay but I like it much better adding some brown sugar .

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