How to Seed a Pomegranate

It feels like a miracle suitable to the season that pomegranates come into the marketplace just when the color red is most in vogue. I love to arrange a big bowl as a centerpiece in lieu of flowers since they’re not just beautiful to look at, but delicious to eat. They’re also mega-nourishing, like tiny antioxidant bombs that are high in fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. The trick is, knowing how to seed a pomegranate.
The truth is, pomegranates can be a little intimidating. A lot of folks pass them by because they’re not quite sure how to get those tiny seeds out of there. Plus, that gorgeous pink juice can ruin a good blouse faster than a toddler with a chocolate bar.
So, after playing around with a few techniques for cracking into a pomegranate, I’ve settled on a practically painless, mess-less approach.
Step 1
Take a sturdy, sharp knife and cut an X about two inches into the top of the pomegranate. Wiggle your thumbs into the X and break the pomegranate into quarters.
Step 2
Set a large bowl in the kitchen sink and fill it with water. Immerse the pomegranate in water and use your thumbs to loosen the seeds from the pith. You can get aggressive and the seeds will stay intact. The seeds will sink to the bottom and the pith and skin will float to the top.
Step 3
Once all the seeds are extracted, scoop up the pith and discard. Pour the seeds into a strainer. An average size pomegranate will yield about one cup of seeds.
Now what to do with all those delicious seeds?
Know that you know how to seed a pomegranate here are some ways to use them:
10 Tasty Ways to Eat Pomegranate
Honey-Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Pomegranate and Cilantro
Arugula Salad with Delicata Squash and Pomegranate
Persimmon, Pomegranate, and Pistachio Salad
Goat Cheese Toasts with Pomegranate by Ellie Krieger
11.08.2011 at7:54 AM #
I put a little salt on them on serve them in a bowl. The sweet and savory make a good combination. Have you tried cutting the pomegranates in half or fourths and cupping them skin side up in your hand and then hitting the skin with the flat part of a metal tablespoon? That seems to work the best for me. The vibration tends to loosen the seeds from the skin and it goes pretty fast too. Love your posts!
11.08.2011 at7:54 AM #
Katie Morford
Yes…I’ve done the job by hitting it with a spoon….and it is quite effective. I like to remove the seeds in a bowl of water simply to contain the mess! I minimize how much I cut into the fruit because you lose some of the precious juices. Thanks for the sweet/salty tip!
11.08.2011 at2:03 PM #
I do the water thing too, but I first roll the pomegranate on the counter to loosen the seeds and then I cut it round its equator. Next I place one half cut-side down on my palm and whack it firmly all around with a wooden spoon over a large bowl of water. The white membrane is lighter than the seeds so it floats to the top. Weirdly I find that pomegranate juice comes out easily if soak the affected garment in water and then wash when I get around to it. Beetroot on the other hand…
Glad your kids like them – same here 😀
11.08.2011 at2:03 PM #
Katie Morford
Good tip on rolling it on the counter to loosen seeds. Thanks.
11.11.2011 at1:09 PM #
Brilliant! Just tried the underwater method and it is SO much better than dealing with the mess on the countertop. Have to admit I had switched to buying the seeds at TJs but this is so easy that I can go back to starting with the fruit. Thank you!
12.20.2012 at8:42 AM #
Pam H
You won’t believe this but yesterday, as I spent quite a while extracting the seeds, I asked myself if you (yes, you) had a better way to do it. Thanks for sharing and I’ll try this the next time.
12.20.2012 at8:42 AM #
Katie Morford
Sorry this wasn’t out yesterday!
12.22.2012 at6:58 AM #
Thanks for this great tip for getting the seeds out~~ and I especially like the cocktail idea!
01.09.2013 at9:20 AM #
I was at the farmer’s market and a woman shoved a bag of 3 pomegranates into my hand for a dollar, but I took them with confidence knowing that I had seen this post! It was a lot of fun and I could picture kids really enjoying this task.
01.09.2013 at9:20 AM #
Katie Morford
Love that! Thanks for sharing.
01.17.2013 at11:08 AM #
I cut the poles off (just enough to open the top and bottom), then score the lines of longitude in about 4 or 5 places. That way you can pull the fruit apart easily with minimal juice loss. Then do the underwater thing!
01.17.2013 at11:08 AM #
Katie Morford
Great tip. Thanks.
11.19.2013 at2:01 PM #
Anne Mullen
My favorite way to have pomegranate seeds is when my daughter-in-law and granddaughter from Tbilisi, Georgia make Badrijani, which is sauteed sliced eggplant topped with a paste of ground walnuts and other yummy things, then topped with pomegranate seeds. Very pretty and delicious.
11.19.2013 at2:01 PM #
Katie Morford
That sounds heavenly….all my favorite foods.
11.05.2015 at11:02 AM #
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious
This is such a great demo – your pics are amazing! I didn’t know the X trick, but I do the rest the same way, although often find some of the pith settles and I can’t get rid of it. Grr. Sharing this now!
11.06.2015 at11:20 AM #
Heather Mason @NuttyNutrition
wow, this is a really interesting approach to seeding a pomegranate. I thought it was going to be the bang it with a spoon method, but no, something different. I will have to try this!
11.06.2015 at11:20 AM #
Katie Morford
The bang method works, too…but I find it messier. Doing it immersed in water contains the seeds (and their juices!).
12.09.2019 at12:44 PM #
Thank you for the tutorial on cleaning in water! So much easier!
12.09.2019 at12:44 PM #
Katie Morford
I think so too!
11.17.2020 at4:31 PM #
carol chait
Any tips for how to make pomegranate juice once you get the seeds out? I don’t like eating the seeds because I find the little white seed in the center too bitter. I’m thinking that maybe using a mortar and pestle might work but could get very messy!! Thanks, Carol
11.17.2020 at4:31 PM #
Katie Morford
The method I’m familiar is involves running the arils in a blender and then putting it through a strainer. Here is a recipe: