How to Clean Berries

Summer berry season is precious and fleeting. It can be pricey, too, particularly if you’re buying good-quality organic berries. So it pays to take care of those beloved reds and blues.

Here’s how:

  1. Store berries loosely covered in a single layer in the refrigerator. Keeping them in their small, plastic “clamshell” containers is a good option as well since it allows for ventilation.
  2. Wait to wash berries until just before eating. If you’re just having a handful, only wash that handful. Most berries are porous and absorb water, which hastens the development of mold. They will last longer if you keep them dry.
  3. Wash berries by putting them into a colander and rinsing gently with water. A sink spray nozzle is ideal.
  4. Avoid piling a large amoung of berries into a deep bowl. They are delicate and will fare better in a shallow bowl so the ones on the bottom don’t get crushed.

Most berries only last a couple of days so use them up while you can. If your kids are anything like mine, this won’t be much of a problem. Berries in our house usually get gobbled up before I can even get them into the fridge.

Side note: Keep in mind that frozen berries, such as frozen raspberries and wild blueberries, are an excellent option too and measure up well nutritionally when compared to fresh


03.13.2013 at1:26 PM #

Sue Harrell

Great tips! I did a video about this actually!

One additional tip? If your berry has a top, like strawberries, don’t remove the cap until after you’ve rinsed them. Sadly a lot of people do this an end up washing out all the sweet flavor.

Thanks for the post and keep them up!

03.13.2013 at1:26 PM #

Katie Morford

Thanks Strawberry Sue! Appreciate that extra tidbit.

07.24.2018 at12:28 AM #


Come and see my site that is full of video recipes of new and great food that are so healthy and delicious come and see. i will be so happy to see you

07.24.2018 at12:28 AM #

Katie Morford

Will do!

05.26.2020 at4:21 AM #


If you rinse your berries with a mixture of half water and half vinegar as soon as you get them they will last longer in the fridge

05.26.2020 at4:35 AM #


I should clarify, you usually only need 1 cup of white vinegar to 8 cups of water. With the pandemic I increased the vinegar. Either way put the berries in a bowl with the vinegar mixture and rinse gently then drain in a colander.

05.26.2020 at4:35 AM #

Katie Morford

Interesting. I hadn’t heard that before. I’m guessing with that ratio of water to vinegar it doesn’t impact the taste?

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