Is Prediabetes Something to Worry About?

It struck me as a fairly remarkable coincidence that inside of a single week three separate women told me they’d been diagnosed with prediabetes. More interesting was that none fit what I considered the typical profile for diagnosis: they weren’t overweight, were fairly active, and conscientious about their diets. I figure if this is happening in my community, perhaps it’s happening in yours too, which is why I turned to registered dietitian and diabetes nutrition coach Mary Ellen Phipps for advice. Mary Ellen, who has type 1 diabetes herself, knows first hand the power of food in long-term health. I asked her to shed some light on prediabetes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment:
1. What is prediabetes and how is it diagnosed?
Prediabetes is what you might have heard described as borderline diabetes or insulin resistance. Your blood sugars are elevated, but not enough for a diabetes diagnosis. Technically, prediabetes is when you have one of the following test results:
- a fasting glucose of 100-125 mg/dL
- 2 hour post glucose tolerance test blood sugar of 141-199 mg/dL
- hbA1c 5.7%-6.4%
2. Are there symptoms?
Most people will not feel symptoms at this stage, which is why it’s important to have a yearly physical to check for it. Your doctor will always run a fasting glucose test as part of a normal well-check. But, some people may experience:
- Lethargy
- Increased thirst
- Minor unexplained weight loss
- Minor unexplained weight gain
- Increased appetite
3. Does eating too much sugar lead to prediabetes?
For some people yes, for some people no. Prediabetes is largely dependent on genetic factors, but lifestyle does play a part. It’s hard to say if eating too much sugar will give you prediabetes because just like with other diseases, the same exposure will effect two different people differently. The best defense against developing prediabetes is knowing your risks, eating a balanced sensible diet, and being physically active.
4. What are the risk factors for prediabetes?
The most common risk factors are:
- Being 45 years of age or older
- Family history of type 2 diabetes
- Being overweight or obese
- Prior history of gestational diabetes
- You’ll find various other risk favors here
4. What is the prediabetes treatment? Is full-blown diabetes inevitable?
Things can absolutely improve at this stage with lifestyle modifications, notably weight management (if applicable), diet, and exercise. At this stage, your pancreas is struggling to keep up as your body becomes more and more resistant to the insulin it is producing. However, there usually is little or no actual damage to the pancreas at this point. It’s important to know that things are almost always “reversible” in the prediabetes phase, and most people can achieve normal blood sugar levels with diet and exercise modifications.
6. How do you prevent prediabetes?
Unfortunately, for some people prevention is a challenge. A strong family history can be a big uphill battle, but knowing you are at a higher risk means you can take action early to ensure you don’t develop diabetes. The biggest steps you can take for your health are:
- Stay active…find something that brings you joy
- Eat a balanced, realistic diet: high in fiber, protein, and fat
- Do NOT succumb to the low-carb trend as this can further exacerbate blood sugar levels
- Focus on quality, higher fiber carbohydrates
- Be responsible, intentional, and realistic with your food choices
- Tune into your emotional health, since stress also play a role in diabetes/prediabetes management
If you think you might be at risk for prediabetes, talk to your doctor. A fasting glucose test is standard for your annual check up. You can also request a HbA1c test, which can be particularly informative.
And if you do get a prediabetes diagnosis, consider seeing a registered dietitian for counseling. Mary Ellen Phipps sees patients one-on-one in the Houston area and is available for virtual counseling as well. She also writes the Milk & Honey Nutrition Blog, which features gluten-free and diabetes-friendly recipes. Feel free to email her questions or to inquire about her nutrition coaching: maryellen@milknhoneynutrition.
06.05.2018 at5:14 AM #
Kim Fishback
Hi Katie,
I have been struggling with pre diabetes for years. Then last year my numbers showed diabetes. Three people in my family have diabetes. My Dr. Has me working with a registered nurse who has worked with a Dr. In Canada that has had great success with reversing reversing diabetics. His book is The Obesity Code. I can’t think of his name. Look up the book and you can find out more information on his Facebook. I have reversed all of my numbers, lost 35 pounds and with support I am feeling good every day. Just thought I would share. Thank you for sharing, I always use your recipes and I have your book. Kim
06.05.2018 at5:14 AM #
Katie Morford
Wow! Way to go, Kim. This is such hopeful news. Intervention and positive change is everything when it comes to diabetes and prediabetes. Thanks for sharing your resources.
06.05.2018 at6:29 AM #
Diane Norwood
Such an important topic Katie! It is affecting more and more people who are not overweight and that means everyone should be worried about pre-diabetes, IMO! I also wanted to say, that is remarkable, Kim! I’m an RD and Certified Diabetes Educator and I know it wasn’t easy, but the Obesity Code offers great advice that I think is more up-to-date (evidence-based) than what most people have been recommending for obesity and diabetes. I’m glad you were able to benefit from it! Also wanted to let you know that there is now a Diabetes Code book by Dr. Jason Fung if you’re interested. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s on my list!
06.05.2018 at6:29 AM #
Katie Morford
Great. Thanks for weighing in. All experts welcome!
06.08.2018 at1:22 PM #
Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD
I am so glad that you are helping to bring this condition to light. There is nothing “pre” about pre diabetes when it comes to damaging the body. The higher your blood glucose level remains on a daily basis, the greater the damage to your heart, eyes, and other organs. There really is no difference to your body between having a fasting blood glucose level of 125 and 126, although 126 is used to diagnose you, among other parameters, as someone who has type 2 diabetes. The idea is that everyone know their fasting blood glucose level, and if it is in the 100 to 125 mg/dL range, to take steps to lower it to below 100, where it should be. By the time pre diabetes becomes type 2 diabetes, many people have lost a significant amount of ability to make insulin that they will never get back, making their type 2 diabetes harder to manage. I highly recommend The Prediabetes Diet Plan by Hillary Wright, RD. She is quite the expert on this topic and this book is very popular.
06.08.2018 at1:22 PM #
Katie Morford
Thanks for weighing in, Liz…and for the recommendation on the book.