Mind Over Meds by Dr. Andrew Weil Book Review
No parent wants to see their child in pain or discomfort. When our kids come to us with a skinned knee, we do our best to clean it up and administer the requisite therapeutic kiss. And when a child is down with a virus or a pesky cough, we want to help there too. The impulse to rifle through the medicine cabinet or race to the drugstore for a quick fix is powerful, even if the only real solution might be a cup of honey tea and comforting hug.
That is part of the message in a new book, Mind Over Meds, by Dr. Andrew Weil, who points out that prescription medications have skyrocketed over the past several decades to the detriment of public health. Weil, a pioneer in the integrative medicine movement, explores the evolution of prescription and over-the-counter drug use with real science as to why conventional therapies aren’t always the best ones (and often lead to problems all their own).
That’s all interesting stuff, but it’s not why I’m so smitten with Mind Over Meds. I appreciate that each chapter does a deep dive into a different group of medications, from antibiotics to treatments for the common cold. Weill offers insight into how and when these medications should be used and the problem with overuse. Even better, though, is that he offers science-based, integrative-medicine alternatives for treating common ailments, from back pain to depression.
Example: I suffer from pretty serious seasonal allergies (this spring has been a real bear). I typically pop Claritin like Tic Tacs, never sure how much it helps. Having read Weil’s chapter on antihistamines, I learned the downsides to these medications as well as some very practical, affordable, and safer solutions. I took Weil’s advice and started regularly using a neti-pot. I also swapped out my Claritin for capsules of stinging nettles, an alternative therapy backed by research. The result? Thus far, it’s keeping my allergies at bay.
Certainly Weil isn’t the first to write a book about integrative medicine, but he is someone I trust. I like that he doesn’t discount the role of conventional medicine in keeping us all healthy. He just provides a broader set of solutions, so that the next time one of my girls is downed by a virus or pesky cough, I have a few tools in my arsenal that don’t involve a trip to the drug counter.
04.27.2017 at11:56 AM #
Looks like a Very interesting book! I’m always looking online for alternatives to medicine but don’t really know what is safe or not…especially when it comes to the kids! Would love to read the book! Thanks!
04.27.2017 at1:50 PM #
Angela A
I would love a chance to win/read this book, thanks!
04.27.2017 at3:13 PM #
Lauren Serra
I am a young RD and I would love to read this book! Will definitely help me relate better with others!
04.27.2017 at5:28 PM #
Dr Weil is awesome. I’m always trying to learn more ways to be healthy. I’m your IG follower. 😉
04.27.2017 at5:50 PM #
Love Andrew Weil. Thank you for sharing his new book.
04.27.2017 at6:30 PM #
I so want to win a copy of this book! And I already follow you on IG 🙂
04.27.2017 at8:20 PM #
Liz Neilson
I would love a copy! I already follow you on IG!
04.27.2017 at9:10 PM #
Love the premise of this book!! I’d love to read this!!!
04.28.2017 at3:09 AM #
I also respect Dr Weil. I regularly look at his website for alternative medicinal ideas.
I also take Claritin like candy. I’m going to look into his stinging nettle idea.
I follow you on Instagram as well thank you.
04.28.2017 at3:55 AM #
Linda Ashley
I would LOVE to win this book; such important information. I thought high doses of vitamin C had an antihistamine effect? I’d love to read the book to find out. I’ve been a follower of yours on Instagram for a while; beautiful photos. Thank you!
04.28.2017 at4:02 AM #
Dr. Weil is brilliant! I would love a copy of his new book!
04.28.2017 at4:10 AM #
The book looks great!
04.28.2017 at4:17 AM #
This book looks awesome! We have 3 kids too and we are always looking for great medicinal alternatives that are safe and have good research behind them! I am you IG follower too 🙂
04.28.2017 at4:19 AM #
This is right up my alley! Wouldive a copy!
04.28.2017 at4:35 AM #
I’m always trying to consider alternatives to meds but I’m not always sure what information to trust. Dr Weil is great, and this book sounds like a great resource. Thanks so much for telling us about his book!
04.28.2017 at4:36 AM #
This book sounds like it is filled with very helpful information.
04.28.2017 at4:54 AM #
Thank you for sharing! I would love a copy. I was just reading about stinging nettles for allergies!
04.28.2017 at4:58 AM #
Katie, I love your blog, thoughts and recipes. Thanks for giving us RDs a good name. Keep up the good work!
04.28.2017 at4:58 AM #
Katie Morford
thank you!
04.28.2017 at5:15 AM #
Margo LaMarsh
Count me in on your give away! I’ll probably buy it before you give away anyway! I love all of Dr Weill’s writings. Always so informative and spot on. And I’m also an allergy suffer who has a love/hate relationship with the Nettie pot!
04.28.2017 at5:22 AM #
Kim Fishback
Hi Katie, I am always learning about alternatives to taking medicine and as a gramma, sharing that information with my family and friends. I haven’t read any of Andrew Weil’s books, just some of his article’s. I love nettle tea! I also use physician strength oregano capsules and Umpka that works for me when my allergies are out of control. I would love to have a copy of his book to read and share. Thanks, kim
04.28.2017 at5:32 AM #
This looks like a great book! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
04.28.2017 at6:11 AM #
Thanks for sharing! I already follow you on Instagram. Not sure I qualify for your drawing since I’m currently living in Germany due to my husband’s military assignment…but I do have an American mailing address here, so.. 😉 Regardless, adding this to my Amazon wish list so I remember to order it in the future.
04.28.2017 at6:30 AM #
Following you via email and instagram. Love the premise of the book. I swear by a good hot toddy!
04.28.2017 at6:36 AM #
Looks like an interesting book.
04.28.2017 at6:37 AM #
I’d love to read this book! (I think It’d resolved some arguments in my house). Following you on Twitter as well!!
04.28.2017 at7:23 AM #
Marilyn Wright Yon, MS, RD, LD
This does look interesting.
04.28.2017 at7:29 AM #
Theresa Berge
I would love to read his book! Thank you!
04.28.2017 at7:36 AM #
This book looks very interesting & I love that his recommendations are science based. Thank you!
04.28.2017 at7:50 AM #
Rana Durham
i love this because i want to kniw the truth about meds and i am following you instagram @ranajdurham.
04.28.2017 at7:52 AM #
Gracie Murray
I would love to read what he has to say!
04.28.2017 at9:03 AM #
This book looks really interesting! I also follow you on instagram @em1gem
04.28.2017 at9:26 AM #
Definitely a fan of Dr. Weil and would love to read this!
I’m new to your website and hooked!
04.28.2017 at9:43 AM #
I love Dr. Weil! I have read many of his books and always go to his site to research medical issues. I love that he integrates Eastern and Western medicine. Thanks for sharing this – I had no idea he had a new book out! I’d love to read it.
04.28.2017 at10:00 AM #
Would love this book! Always looking for ways to not over medicate my family:) I am also following you on instagram now!
04.28.2017 at10:17 AM #
I want a copy and just followed you on insta! Thank you!!
04.28.2017 at12:34 PM #
Courtney B
Would love a chance to win, always looking for more natural solutions. We’ve had good luck with essential oils for allergies, I’m going to look into the capsules you mentioned, thanks for sharing.
04.28.2017 at4:45 PM #
Jane Rathbun
Andrew Weil has made serious changes in his life to improve it. In turn, he has shared his knowledge and experience to help many others. I would be honored to receive a copy of his book.
04.30.2017 at10:41 AM #
Cammy Krznaric
Hi Katie, loved your article. Dave has allergies I am going to have him try what you said, hope it help him. I follow you on IG
04.30.2017 at10:51 PM #
Laurie-Ann Barbour
I really respect Dr. Weil – didn’t know he had a new book out with just the kind of information I’m interested in. Thanks for your great blog!
05.01.2017 at10:53 AM #
Looks like a great book. I am always looking for alternative holistic ways to help our family. Thank you for such a great giveaway.
05.02.2017 at2:12 PM #
Ashley Patterson
I would absolutely LOVE a copy!! I’m a mother of 3 beautiful daughters! I’m also a personal trainer and have a degree in nutrition science. I’m always looking for “good, solid” nutrition advise. Thank you so much for encouraging more people to learn… especially through Dr. Weil! I’ve been following you on Instagram for a few months now. I’m devouring both of your books,too!~
05.03.2017 at3:34 PM #
Caroline Quinn
Thank you so much for waking people up. I have been a vegan for 25yrs and vegetarian for 40yrs. To the point I haven’ t even had a sniffle in 40 yrs.
05.03.2017 at3:45 PM #
Caroline Quinn
Thank you Dr. Weil for trying to wake people to being healthy naturally. I am a VEGAN for 25yrs but a VEGETARIAN.for 40yrs and haven’t taken any meds or have even had a sniffle in 40 yrs.