Mom's Kitchen Handbook

One Potato Box Takes the Sting out of Supper

I commend every parent who manages to get dinner on the table and gathers their people around it. Homemade food eaten in community is a good thing for health, wellness, and for family connection. We know this intuitively, and we also have piles of research to back it up.

Here’s the rub, though. Churning out dinner night after night, is, for lots of folks, one of the most challenging aspects of raising a family. Sometimes it comes easy, others, it can feel nothing short of impossible.

Enter a new way to do dinner:  One Potato Box. I first caught wind of the “meal in a box” concept from my friend, Lori, who loves good food, just isn’t always keen on being the cook behind it. I’d never thought to follow Lori’s lead until my friend Catherine McCord of Weelicious started a brand of her own.

Here’s how it goes down: One Potato delivers a box to your door with the ingredients and instructions to cook three healthy dinners, each doable in under 30 minutes. Unlike most of its competitors, One Potato is organic and geared for families. Plus the food is good. Really good. The sort of good that I would expect out of my own recipes. Our box included Asian chicken in lettuce cups with savory scallion pancakes, generous bowls of flavorful pho with tofu (leftovers went into Virginia’s lunch box), and turkey, avocado, bacon burgers with a side salad.

What delights me most about One Potato is that it’s an excellent gateway for getting kids to cook. The ingredients and recipes are all right there, and much of the prep is already done. Kids get to be the hero and pull it together, something all three of my girls had fun with (the fact that One Potato slips a tiny roll of homemade cookie dough into every box doesn’t hurt).

In the future, I anticipate leaning on One Potato when I know I’m facing a particularly busy week or have travel plans and want to make it easy on everyone to get dinner done. This all doesn’t come at bargain basement prices, but it’s cheaper, better tasting, and certainly healthier than typical takeout.

One Potato is relatively new on the scene and growing like wildfire. Find out if they deliver in your neck of the woods, and if they don’t, get on their mailing list so you can be the first to hear when they do.

A Cool New Way to Take the Sting out of Supper. @onepotatobox @weelicious Share on X

Disclosure: One Potato send me a complimentary box. They did not ask me to write this post and I was not compensated for it. 

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