Pineapple Orange Green Smoothie

Banish any notions you have about green smoothies being a “pinch your nose” kind of affair that you guzzle for the sole purpose of nourishment. This Pineapple Orange Green Smoothie has nothing in common with that stereotype. In fact, when I served tall glasses to my 14-year-old nephew and his buddy a few months ago, they sucked them down with such enthusiasm you’d have thought I’d delivered cherry Slurpees on a hot summer day. This is seriously good stuff.
A Simple and Nutritious Green Smoothie
The basics of the smoothie are simple. It starts with the tasty triumvirate of pineapple, banana and orange embellished with a generous amount of fresh spinach, plain kefir, and a spoonful of vanilla extract. The combination adds up to a nourishing drink that’s high in fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C, and gut-friendly probiotics.

Tips for Making this Smoothie
Though it’s an easy formula, there are a few things to keep in mind when making this Pineapple Orange Green Smoothie:
- Choose a ripe banana and be sure to peel and freeze it first. This lends natural sweetness and is key for a thick, creamy texture.
- Make sure to use a seedless orange. Navel or Cara Cara will do the job. And yes, you can simply peel and throw it in whole.
- Fresh or frozen pineapple are fair game. The latter, of course, makes quicker work of the recipe.
- Look for plain kefir, which adds good-for-you probiotics and creaminess. If you don’t have any on hand, you can substitute equal parts milk and plain yogurt.
Healthy Add-Ins
If you want to pump up this smoothie with even more goodness, there are a range of extras you can add to the mix. Add one to two tablespoons of any of the following and you’ll add a pop of nutrition without significantly altering the flavor:
Hemp seeds
Chia seeds
Ground flax
Cashews or cashew butter
Psyllium husks
Plain, unsweetened protein powder
Collagen peptides.
Got Leftovers?
Not all smoothies hold up well as a leftover, but this one is an exception. Of course, it’s at its very best straight from the blender, but if you have any leftover you can store in the fridge to drink the next day. Alternatively, pour any extras into a pop mold and enjoy as a frozen treat.
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Pineapple Orange Green Smoothie
A creamy, very tasty green smoothie that's full of nutrients and gut-friendly probiotics. It's at its very best straight from the blender, but leftovers can be stashed in the fridge and enjoyed the next day.
- 1 cup plain kefir
- 1 1/2 cups packed baby spinach
- 1 peeled seedless Navel or Cara Cara orange
- 1 cup fresh or frozen cubed pineapple
- 1 ripe frozen banana
- 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 4 ice cubes
- Optional extra: 1 – 2 tablespoon of any of the following — hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxmeal, psyllium husks, cashews, collagen peptides, plain protein powder, or 1 -2 ounces soft tofu
Put the kefir, spinach, orange, pineapple, banana, vanilla, and ice into a blender. Add optional extra. Blend until creamy and smooth, with no obvious flecks of spinach.
05.18.2022 at3:22 PM #
This is our new favorite smoothie! So creamy and delicious. Thank you for getting us out of our smoothie rut.
05.18.2022 at3:22 PM #
Katie Morford
Agreed! Glad you like this one.